Monday, May 10, 2010

14 weeks!

These are the pictures from our last appointment 2 weeks ago. As you can tell the baby has grown and formed significantly! The cutest thing about this last time was the whole time we were taking pictures the baby was drinking and swallowing. It was a very thirsty baby. Even the doctor said he hardly ever sees a baby open and close its mouth like that. He called this the iron man phase. haha im still not sure why. Other exciting news this week is...Sunday morning (Mothers Day) I woke up in the middle of the night and as i was trying to go back to sleep, i felt the baby for the first time!!! Me and Tyson were joking that it was telling me happy mothers day! lol but tyson is so mad he has not got to feel it yet but i promised him he would soon. As all you know who see me everyday, my tummy is growing fast and im not sure if its baby or a food baby! haha but the doctor says im right on track for weight gain so im not too worried. Anyway heres just some updates for the first 3 1/2 months. Our next appointment in June 2nd to find out what sex the baby is, even though everyone we know says its a girl which will be named Joslyn Dee Jones. We dont care either way but if its a boy he doesnt have a name yet. This baby already has all of its organs and they are functioning and it has tiny hair all over its body called lenugo or as tyson would called it menudo. hahah The due date is October 30, 2010 and we cant wait!!!!!!! We will keep you updated so check in every once in a while to see the latest news.

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