Saturday, May 8, 2010

The first time we saw the baby!

So as you all know me and tyson are having are first baby and we could not be more excited! At the end of February, Tyson had to go on a business trip to Cincinatti and while he was gone i stayed at my mom and dads house, the entire time i felt horrible. i kept having horrible stomach pains in the middle of the night but never would have guessed my body was going though so much. I had stayed at my sister Melissa's house, and finally on the day Tyson came home i decided I would take a pregnancy test, becuase there was just something not right with my body. Sure enough, the morning of February 25 i had a positive pregnancy test. I tried to keep it a secret from everyone until i could tell tyson but i must have been beaming because my parents knew right away. My dad and I made the cutest shirt for me to pick Tyson up from the airport in. It had written on it "Welcome Home Daddy" haha Since then life has been even more hectic than before! The picture above was our very first time we saw our sweet baby. The first sonogram the baby was not happy we were waking it up and started punching at the machine. As you can see it already has a fat belly and elf feet. Our doctor called it the gummy bear phase. As you'll in the next pictures it grew SOOO much in four weeks! Anyway we just thought as much family and friends to keep updated this would be an easy way for everyone to keep up on our little bundle of joy!

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